Monday, June 15, 2009

Asshat Of The Week: South Carolina GOP Activist Rusty DePass

Yeah, it's still early in the week, but I'm not sure anyone will top this racist SOB before Saturday.

After Trey Walker (an adviser to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster) posted a harmless Facebook update Friday morning about the escape of a Western Lowlands Gorilla from the Columbia SC Riverbanks Zoo, Rusty DePass, a big-shot SC GOP Activist, and former chairman of the state elections commission, posted a comment on Walker's post:
"I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."
He was referring to First Lady Michelle Obama. He later admitted so.

This asshat DePass was a County Co-Chair for Rudy Giuliani's 2008 campaign.

He wrote an Op-Ed piece in The State calling for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. It was entitled:

"Do Republicans have higher moral standards than Democrats?"

Obviously, he's answered that question.

To unequivocally clinch the Asshat Award, DePass then issued the standard "non-apology apology" that has gained so much popularity in recent years:
"I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest." (emphasis mine)

Translation: "Too bad if you were offended by my insensitive racist remark. Hey, it was a joke."


h/t to GottaLaff

1 comment:

Matt Osborne said...

Maybe he should go on Letterman.

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