See what happens when I walk away from my computer for a few hours?
Unless the various rumors about Sarah's legal and tax problems are true, it's possible Matt Osborne has the right take on this.
More as the story unfolds.
Bonus Pakalolo-lol-lol-lol
2 days ago
Its about time, what took her so long?
So it looks like Andrew Halcro and I were both right.
First we need to know why she's doing this, next we should worry about what's next.
BTW why is it OK for the new national administration to try and save our po' ignorant selves an bad when some one feels they need to do the same thing?
I mean really isn't that what politics and government have evolved into? Wannabe caretakers?
translation of griff's comment, please.
I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Griff.
I'm assuming Grace wants me to translate the middle part.
Our president is trying to save the nation. How, by rewarding poor businesses with bailouts, by creating a government even bigger than the one that got us into this mess. All in the name of economy. Recently he has said that our nations health care is the root of the problem, so he's gonna fix that. Next he said our energy dependence was the problem so he's gonna fix that too. So on and so on, every one of his programs increases jobs, and our dependence on the government. hence my caretakers comment. so what do we do? we pour adulation on him. Posters referencing him to the messiah and Chavez sprout up all over.
Sarah Palin has made several references to God and the good of Alaska and has been crucified every time. So have many other folks in that line of work.
The Sarah's of this world really don't worry me, they tend to out themselves. The Obama's of this world do worry me. Because when they walk away we are often left with a greater problem than the one they fixed.
They all bear watching and blind obedience is not only dangerous, it is the very opposite of what our founding fathers strove for in the first place.
Hope that clears things up a little.
Peace ya'll
Thnx for taking time to answer. Since this isn't my blog and I don't comment here often, I won't say what it clears up for me.
Grace, where is your blog? Mine is at http://womansbay.blogspot.com/. Come on down !
i do not always agree with the mainstream, but I always try to be honest.
Wolfe, Still love your blog, and I appreciate the chance to interact.
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