It's hard to say where it will go, but it sure as hell didn't start out as a very complimentary documentary.
The first installment was titled:
Pt. 1: From 'open and transparent' to something less.
In the article, Gregg Erickson, founder of the well-respected Alaska Budget Report, said that Palin evolved into "the most secretive governor in Alaska history, withholding several state documents and e-mails, and her practice of running government on her BlackBerry."
Dragon Lady Meghan Stapleton makes a number of statements explaining why Palin had to be secretive to be open and transparent.
Sort of like quitting to show you're not a quitter.
I can hardly wait for the next installment.
KTUU is now running a separate story, which indicates that Sarah Palin may not skate on at least one of the ethics investigations:
The plot thickens.ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts.
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official" legal defense fund.
The fund aims to help Palin pay off debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints against her, most of which have been dismissed.
Palin says she owes more than $500,000 in legal fees.
A call seeking comment from her lawyer was not immediately returned.
UPDATE 2: The ethics violation report can be read here.
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