Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts On The Holiday Season

Every holiday season, we gather together with family and friends to share food, companionship, and laughter and joy, and to perhaps reflect on the past year.

It gives us a chance to appreciate the good things we have, and, if not-so-good things have befallen us, to realize that even in the face of adversity, there is almost always something positive to be found.

While giving thanks for our own good fortune, let’s remember that there are people in our communities who are homeless or hungry.

There are people who need medical care but cannot afford it.

There are people who just need a little help.

Yes, I'm aware that we should be thinking about this throughout the year, but many of us don't... and I'm as guilty as anyone.

So, in the spirit of the season, let us each try to do what we can to help someone.

Whether it's just dropping a handful of change in a Salvation Army kettle as you leave the store or Post Office, donating some canned goods to your local Food Bank, or the giving of your money or time at your place of worship or with some other charity... every effort we make, big or small, helps.

Sometimes the help doesn't even have to be monetary... or even material.

Often, just letting someone else know that are thinking of them, and that you care about them, will make a world of difference, and lend them the strength to help them get through tough times.

Happy holidays, everyone!

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